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- The method I use to achieve every goal I set!
The method I use to achieve every goal I set!
Say goodbye to stress and anxiety
Our life is full of goals.
Fitness goals
Business goals
Work goals
Money goals
Relationship goals
Lifestyle goals
Everyone says focus on one thing.
But when you have so many goals, how can you focus on one thing?
Life becomes overwhelming. You feel stressed. And then you quit.
This is the reality of most people in the world.
This was my reality as well until I discovered systems.
Systems helped me break down my goals into small actionable steps.
I got things done rather than procrastinating and stressing about the goal.
Systems made my life easier by:
More productivity
Less stress
Peace of mind
Increase in happiness
Getting things done
Achieving my goals
Having goals is amazing, especially in the long run. It helps you understand which direction are you headed in.
A goal answers what to do? But fails to answer when and how exactly to do it.
That’s mainly why systems are better than goals.
Saying that I want to write daily is easy. Actually writing daily is hard.
My goal is to become a writer. How I set up system for it?
5 main questions:
What? Writing
Why? To become a writer.
When? In the morning between 6-8 am. I have alone time, Miranda is sleeping.
How? What do I need before writing? Desk ready for writing. Do yoga and meditation practice.
Can I do it daily?
Now I have a solid plan. My mind is at peace, which gives me time to focus on writing, rather than the preparation.
In the short term, not having actionable steps gives you anxiety.
Your life feels cluttered. Full of things to do but never able to get it done.
This creates loss in motivation and most people feel defeated.
The solution is simple. Break down the goal into small actionable steps.
How small? Depends where you are at. You need to aware of your own progression.
If you have hard time sticking by commitments, choose as small action as you can.
So if you want to develop a daily yoga practice, your systems can be like:
What? Yoga
Why? To become fit and flexible.
When? 6 am, right after I wake up.
What do I need? Have my yoga mat ready.
Can I do it daily?
Daily mood compared Goals vs Systems
When you set a goal. You are happy only when you achieve your goal.
When you set daily systems. You are happy every time you apply your system.
I started small as well. I wasn’t sold on systems, but I wanted to try. Once I noticed the magic of systems, I was hooked.
Over time I have integrated systems not only in my lifestyle goals but also into other areas of my life. Work, content creation, wealth building and recently in my relationship as well.
One example is this newsletter, I have been thinking for years to start a newsletter but I could never post 2 weeks in a row.
So I integrated systems in my newsletter process. Now I write once a week.
Writing has become a habit now, which serves my goal to be a writer.
I have significantly less stress. But the best part is I actually get things done.
We all have 24 hours, it’s up to us how we choose spend them.
If you are someone who encounter similar struggles, I highly recommend you implementing systems.
I understand life is complex. My examples might not directly relate to your experience.
If you still feel confused about how to use systems in your own life. Book a session with me, completely free. Just send me an email.
I will personally guide you how to integrate systems into your life.