I Turn 30 Today. 30 Years, 30 Lessons.

Grateful for this life and what I have learn along the way.

This past year has been an initiation—one that burned away the boy and forged the man. It was tough. But tough is my language. I don’t run from the fire. I step into it. And here’s what it’s taught me.

  1. Love Yourself Like Your Life Depends on It. Being in full alignment with your truth is self-love.

  2. Master the Five Pillars. Physical. Mental. Financial. Relational. Spiritual. Ignore one, and the rest will suffer.

  3. Radical Honesty Starts with You. How different would your life be if you were brutally honest—starting with yourself?

  4. Live Like You Own the Place. People will judge you no matter what. So why not do what you actually want? The more you crave approval, the more you betray yourself.

  5. People Come. People Go. No matter how well you love them. You can’t control it. Love fully and deeply while they’re here.

  6. Pain is Inevitable. Suffering is Optional. Your relationship with pain makes or breaks you. The only way out is through. You’ll have to face it eventually—lean into it now.

  7. Run Toward the Storm. Cows run from storms. Buffalos charge through. Be the buffalo.

  8. Own Your Mornings. Movement. Meditation. Breathwork. Gratitude. Reading. Writing. This is where purpose takes root.

  9. Boundaries Create Freedom. They’re not walls—they’re invitations to deeper love and intimacy. Weak boundaries = weak life. Boundaries aren’t rejection; they’re respect.

  10. Say What’s Real—But With Compassion. Truth without compassion is brutality. Compassion without truth is manipulation. Find the balance.

  11. Do The Work. No one has to tell you what this means. You already know.

  12. Engage from Wholeness, Not Need. Every relationship reflects the harmony within. Stop trying to fix people. The best way to inspire change is to embody it.

  13. Approval is a Cheap Drug. Stop people-pleasing. The cost? Your own identity. We all want to be liked. That’s the trap.

  14. Build Inner Strength. Your ability to hold others is only as strong as your ability to hold yourself. Fortify your foundation first.

  15. Make shit ton of Money, But Don’t Be Its Slave. Create. Invest. Delegate. It’s not the goal; it’s the tool. You’re the one in control.

  16. If Your No is Weak, Your Yes is Worthless. Every weak yes is a silent betrayal. Fortify your no.

  17. Adopt Mentors, Not Idols. Real wisdom comes from real people. Seek out those with scars, not just opinions. Befriend older, wiser people. Learn from their stories.

  18. Become Your Own Teacher. Krishnamurti’s greatest lesson. No one has all the answers. The moment you make someone your guru, you stop asking the right questions. Self-sufficiency is the flex.

  19. Question Everything. Parents, teachers, culture, society—the algorithm. If you don’t define your beliefs, someone else will.

  20. Invest in Yourself. This is the greatest investment you will ever make. Bet on you.

  21. Read Every Day. Expand your mind. Feed your curiosity. Go deep.

  22. Turn Off the Noise. News, social media, gossip—none of it is designed for your growth. Own your focus.

  23. Go to Therapy. Unpack your childhood patterns. Heal your traumas. Do the work of parts integration.

  24. Have the Hard Conversations. Growth lives in discomfort. Truth fuels vitality. Speak it, even when it shakes your voice.

  25. Understand Your Shadows. The parts of yourself you reject hold the keys to your growth. Don’t run from them—integrate them.

  26. Master Presence & Hold the Pose. Make eye contact and keep it. Hold space. Endurance is a practice. When the storm hits, your sadhana is your anchor. Stay steady. Stay present.

  27. Codependency Kills Relationships. Stop looking for someone to complete you. Detachment is freedom. When does attachment become entanglement?

  28. Surrender. Surrender isn’t giving up. It’s trusting the process while taking action.

  29. No One Owns You. Unless you let them. Power is taken, not given. Take yours back.

  30. Own Your Life. You are responsible for everything you do, and everything you don’t. No more excuses.